What is it about socks and laundromats? What color socks should you buy when you move to Marble? Jerry and Elijah explain some of the world’s greatest sock mysteries, and opens up several other cans of worms about the common sock this week in “Frankensocks.”

photo credit: https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=923&q=young+frankenstein&oq=young+fra&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.9626.12522.0.15137.….0…1ac.1.64.img..0.9.871.TmY6FL09CPg#tbm=isch&q=young+frankenstein+gene+wilder&imgrc=lejt64rjZY-WbM%3A

While you may be as graceful as an angel when you move about… we aren’t. Why is Courtney stuck in the creek? Where did the 2 gallons of pretzels on the floor come from? And will Jerry ever do that again with his ski pole? Tune in and find out on “Klutz Moves!”

photo credit:


Swamps, barbed wire, deep powder, and a launch that would make Calvin and Hobbs proud. Take a ride on the wilder side with Jerry and the gang when they describe “average” sledding practices on “Sledding is Not for Wimps.”



photo credit: http://www.komar.org/faq/sports/sledding/2010_03_21-tantra-park-boulder/2010_03_21-11_53_07-3433-snow-sledding-tantra-park-boulder.jpg