Why is Jerry hanging upside down with his skis on? How many mosquitoes invaded the chalet? And what’s that special Slurpee deal we heard about? The Comedy Parenting Radio gang lets you in on some of the weirdness of summers in Colorado this week in “Summer Will Be Here Before You Know It.”

Ever been drug across a field by a parachute? How about jumping out of a tree wearing water skis? Is that a refrigerator blowing by the living room window? Jerry and the Comedy Parenting Radio cast will tell you about these and other zany incidents this week on “Invisible Fun.”

-photo credit: http://brojects.tv/projects/the-chair-ski/


What will the guys eat for the next month? Is the laundry ever going to get done? How many feet tall is the stack of paper plates Jerry bought? Could get ugly this week on Comedy Parenting Radio…

photo credit: https://borntoscience.com/2015/02/09/14-ways-doing-science-is-just-like-cooking/

Do bears really eat the kid on the top bunk? Who’s gonna untangle Courtney’s hair from the springs? And why is that guy sleepwalking with a bloody face? Find out this week on Bunk Bed Bummers on Comedy Parenting Radio…

photo credit: https://thiswaywardsoul.wordpress.com/tag/kayak/