Listen in as Josiah lets host Jerry Begly know what 7 year olds are licking (or not supposed to be licking) these days. He’s one precocious little dude, and comes up with some doozies! Warning: Don’t lick these things at home. Lick them at your neighbor’s house if you must…
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Norman pops in and messes with Jerry as they discuss some of the grittier aspects of parenting… like assembling a bike on Christmas Eve, electro shock medicine, and packing washtubs into and out of the wilderness.

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“The problem with some people is, they’re educated way beyond their intelligence.”
-Mark Twain
Know anyone who’s ever been to college? They will cheer when they hear Gabriel the “Cheese Head” describe the foibles of modern college life. Your syllabus never mentioned THIS about the class! Be sure to share this episode with your overly educated friends.